Thursday, July 9, 2009

We Are All Witnesses... Well, Not Really

Charlie Klein

I am just going to say this right now, if hear one more report about how Lebron and Nike confiscated a tape of Jordan Crawford dunking over the "King" I might just spontaneously combust. Maybe I have been watching a little too much ESPN today but at the same time I honestly do not find it to be that big of a deal.

People are now calling LeBron and Nike insecure for confiscating tapes from two journalists of King James getting dunked on by a sophmore in college. Yet there is a lot of information that has not been made public about what Nike et. al. plan to do with the tapes. The media assumes that Nike is just going to destroy the tapes and pretend like it never happened. Yet Nike could be using the tapes to make a new commerical featuring Crawford's throwdown. Maybe they wanted to have exclusive control over the footage so that they could use it for their own profit? No one knows the truth so it really is unfair to Nike and James to assume that its all about their own insecurities.

That being said, I honestly could care less. People are using this as just an excuse to talk about how much they dislike James and what a big deal he is before he's even won a championship. Skip Bayless on ESPN's First Take looked like Christmas had come in July. Until the whole issue blows over and people forget about it, I guess I will have to endure a pointless sports story.

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