Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekly Fail: Thundersticks

Charlie Klein

There are a few reasons why I find the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim to be a quite unsavoury MLB franchise. A team with very little history of which to speak, and are notable for the Angels in the Outfield movies, a rally monkey, and one World Series Championship, continue to annoy the absolute piss out of me every time I watch a game at 'The Big A.'

No, it is not because they have beaten my beloved Mariners every year to the AL West title. It is because of those accursed thundersticks! Nothing says bush league like blown up red phallic pieces of plastic, when banged together, make quite a bit of noise. I will admit, when I was in middle school I enjoyed banging thundersticks at college football games. But when I see 40 year-old men banging them, it makes me feel sick.

Let's be real, Angels fans have no idea how to be real sports fans. Furthermore, Anaheim, the rest of the league is laughing at your thunderstick antics. Bud Selig ought to ban thundersticks from MLB stadiums in the same way that the NFL has done already. These thundersticks are why I refuse to watch any game played in that craphole of a stadium with the sound on. If you see someone with thundersticks, poke a hole in them please, and save us all the trouble of having to see them anymore.

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