Monday, July 26, 2010

Two-A-Days: Still T.O.

Charles Klein 

Today's article marks the first of many you will find on this blog in the build-up to the 2010 NFL season, where I will post two NFL-related articles everyday to help you get your fix on the most popular league in America. My inaugural post is on Terrell Owens, and as usual, calling the media out on their usual schmaltz.

There's perhaps nothing more hip these days than for NFL pundits to argue that Terrell Owens has something to offer an NFL team. I was watching Sportscenter this morning over breakfast and I almost choked on my orange juice when Mike Schlereth said that Owens provides a good deep threat for any team. That's only if the team's entire receiving corps is comprised of tight ends.

Yes, Owens did have a 98 yard touchdown catch last season, but he had a very down year by his own standards. There is no doubt that Owens has been one of the league's best receivers for nearly a decade, but there is something to be said for the fact that pretty much every team in the league does not want to have him on their team.

Owens only had five catches of 20 yards or more last season. The years before that 22 (2007) and 15 (2008) present a worrying trend for what one may expect from Owens this season. I'm not just saying this because I generally dislike Owens, it's just the truth.

Now on to that media 'shmaltz' of which I spoke at the top. It used to be okay to argue that a team should want Owens because he was worth all of the trouble he caused. Now the pundits say that he is just such a great worker...

COME ON MAN! The amount of work that Owens put in before never endeared him to his teammates when he was also scoring touchdowns and not dropping them, what makes anyone think that when he is not producing and still demanding the ball that anyone will want to be his teammate?

If Owens signs in St. Louis this year, the team will have someone else to blame for the fact that they will not win more than four games this season. And for that alone, it may be worth their while to bring in Owens. But to me, he's still T.O.

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