Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Hypocrisy In College Football

Charles Klein

This week has been a bad week for any preeminent college football power. But it's been an even worse week for Reggie Bush. I cannot even imagine what it must feel like to be disowned by one's own university after having given so much life to its athletics. Granted, taking about a hundred grand from an agent is not exactly the sort of pay day that a college athlete should get nor is it the right thing to do. But how Bush must feel when what he did is nowhere near as bad as what some of the other athletes of his caliber have done must be pretty awful.

When USC alumnae O.J. Simpson was convicted of robbery and sentenced to 33 years in a Nevada prison, the university did not remove images of Simpson from around its campus nor did it return its copy of Simpson's Heisman Trophy. And yet Reggie Bush's Heisman and images of his achievements at USC have been removed.

I understand that Bush's actions are inexcusable for a college athlete and that his and O.J. Mayo's examples serve as cautionary tales to would-be offenders currently enrolled at USC. But at the same time one would hope for a bit more consistency in college athletics.

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