Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Arbitrary Nature of College Basketball Rankings

Charlie Klein

Something that continues to amaze me with each passing edition of college basketball is the importance placed upon the ranking system. Of the two major college sports (sorry baseball, soccer, lacrosse), basketball is the one where rankings have little or nothing to do with the selection of which teams go into the NCAA Tournament at season's end.

Being a Kansas fan, I have enjoyed seeing my team at the top of these rankings for most of the season, as paper tigers like Syracuse and Kentucky went in and out of style amongst the pundits. But being number one is incredibly meaningless. That was proven to be quite clear last season in which it felt like the new number one team lost every week.

So I ask you, NCAA and ESPN, to please cease with the rankings garbage. Yes, it is good fodder for debate, but it is so irrelevant to the important aspects of the game that it ought to just be thrown out. There is really no difference between the 25th ranked team and the 35th ranked team. Just leave us all in suspense on Selection Sunday.

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